Energy Healing Treatments

As humans, we are not just flesh and bones, but also have an energy field.  Sickness, whether physical or emotional, starts in your energy field and if not addressed quickly, will start to manifest in physical sensations to alert you that something is wrong. 

Energy healing is a holistic practice, based on scientific principles, that activates the body's subtle energy systems to clear any blocks and stimulates the body to heal itself.

Benefits of energy healing include:

  • Promotes relaxation by releasing tension from the body

  • Helps to relieve pain, anxiety and fatigue

  • Supports the immune system by cleansing toxins from the body

  • Enhances mental clarity and improves focus

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Accelerates the body's self-healing ability

Each person will experience energy healing in their own unique way, in what they may see, feel and sense.  However, common feelings and sensations include feeling hotter/colder, tingly as energy moves through the body, relaxed and very calm, feeling extra sleepy or tired, floaty like walking on a cloud, feeling a gentle breeze flowing over your body.

Energy Healing is suitable for everyone (even pets) and if you are feeling stressed, anxious or physically drained, an energy healing session can help you relax and feel more balanced.

​At the start of your treatment, we will discuss your health and wellbeing needs and agree on what you would like to experience in your session, merging more than one therapy if appropriate to create a bespoke treatment just for you.

Wellbeing plans are ideal for keeping you feeling your best, please ask for details!

  • Reiki/Seichem, Quantum Breath

    Energy healing can support the body with its extraordinary ability to heal itself and is suitable for everyone, a holistic practice based on scientific principles. Energy healing may reduce inflammation, speed up healing, reduce pain, balance emotions, relieve stress and anxiety, promote deep relaxation and much more. Quantum-Breath and Reiki/Seichem are powerful in working with both physical and emotional issues.

  • The 5 Awakenings Sequence

    This is a unique trauma release intervention method, based on energy medicine, that facilitates release and recovery from the debilitating and ongoing effects of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), trauma, bullying, PTSD, anxiety and abuse. Safe, empowering and easy to learn and use, the sequence erases disruptive responses that occur in the body during and after any traumatic experience. There are 5 movements in the sequence that unify to create the transformational tool.

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  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    The Emotional Freedom Technique is a meridian based therapy which involves tapping energy points in order to release unwanted thoughts and negative emotions. EFT is very simple, but powerful, often surprising clients at the 'shifts' they make in such a short time. EFT is recommended for anyone with phobias, fear, pain, addictions, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence and anything else that may be stopping you living your life to the full.

  • Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing

    An ancient therapy that works with the natural power of crystals to help improve health and wellbeing. Crystals have differing properties that can unblock, balance and direct energy to where it is most needed, thereby supporting the body's healing in a gentle, therapeutic way. Crystals act as conduits for healing, removing negative, disease-causing energy and allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body. Crystal healing is a safe, non-invasive therapy, where crystals are selected and placed on or around different parts of the body to induce deep relaxation, which has can have a positive effect on wellbeing.

  • Meditation

    Enjoy learning about different meditation and grounding techniques that can help quieten the mind, balance your emotions, and promote deep relaxation. Can be a session on its own or alternatively, why not include a guided visualisation as part of a healing session or massage treatment. Suitable for everyone, including children.

  • Distant Healing

    If you or a member of your family would like to experience energy healing but cannot get to a face to face appointment, you may want to consider distant healing. It is just as effective as a healing session in person, with the added benefit of you being able to relax in your own surroundings. Please contact me for further details.

  • Attuning to Full Potential (AFP)

    AFP is a kinesiology therapy that helps a client move towards realising their full potential by using vibrational icons, monitored through muscle responses. AFP helps you to release old patterns, programs and habits that may be holding you back, creating space for healing to occur. AFP adopts a holistic approach and deals with imbalances on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Treatments Suitable for Children

A number of the treatments offered are suitable for children, particularly energy healing, which can make a huge difference in how they feel.  Get in touch if your child experiences any of the following and I will do all I can to help you and them:​

  • Anxiety, stress and other fears

  • Anger issues and mood swings

  • Insomnia and other sleep related issues

  • Issues related to focus and concentration

  • Behavioural issues

I offer a personalised pricing approach, where all treatments are tailored to each client's needs and preferences. Your appointment reserves my time, allowing me to craft a unique treatment specifically for you without any additional charges based on the type of service provided.