
RASA Reiki and Seichem

Reiki and Seichem are ancient healing systems using energy that anyone can learn, with Reiki being part of the fuller and more powerful system of Seichem.  Both are taught at three levels with each one attuning the individual to higher degrees of healing energy.  Places are strictly limited in each group to ensure personalised support before, during and after the workshops.

  • RASA Reiki First Degree

    This workshop opens you up to the wonderful world of Reiki where you will learn about the history, principles, and theory of Reiki. Following this workshop you will be able to channel Reiki energy for yourself, your friends and family with an emphasis on doing regular self-treatments.

    Cost £110

  • RASA Reiki Second Degree

    Reiki second degree builds on the learning in Reiki first degree and strengthens your ability to channel Reiki, introducing you to ancient symbols which are the keys to distant, emotional and mental healing. If you wish to work with people who are outside of friends and family, then Reiki second degree is a must.

    Cost £160

  • RASA Seichem First Degree

    (Must have Reiki First Degree or higher)

    Seichem attunes you to all four elemental healing rays of earth (Reiki), fire (Sakara), water (Sophi-el) and air (Angeliclight). Following a Seichem attunement you will feel a difference in your healing straight away and we also work with techniques for mental and emotional healing.

    Cost £60

  • RASA Seichem Second Degree

    In this level you build on the knowledge gained from Seichem First Degree and are introduced to more symbols and distant healing techniques.

    Cost £180
    if you have Reiki First Degree (£80 if you have previously done RASA Reiki second degree)

  • Reiki and Seichem Mastership

    Reiki and Seichem third degree is further deepening the knowledge of the RASA system and you will know when you feel ready to take this huge step which should not be taken lightly. The Masters workshop is a major acknowledgement of your spiritual and personal growth and it allows you, if you wish, to teach Reiki and Seichem to others. Reiki can be taken alone or within a Seichem class.

    Cost Reiki Masters £360
    or Seichem Masters (includes Reiki) £600



Ho’oponopono Harmonising Introductory Workshop

Are you ready for new beginnings, new ideas, new ventures, new perspectives?  What happens when you want to make a shift but don’t know what to do next?  If you are serious about making changes in any aspect of your life, you will leave this workshop knowing how to make it happen.  Ho’oponopono is a simple yet powerful technique to clear blocks, sabotages, excuses, past trauma and events that are holding you back from getting all you want and being all that you can be.  Once learned you can use it anywhere and anytime to overcome the things that have stopped you from achieving things in the past.

This one day workshop will include an introduction to Ho’oponopono and the law of attraction and how they are linked together.  In the afternoon you will sit in circle to practise using the two together which is unique in style and conducted in a very specific way to ensure the maximum impact and experience.

Cost £130

Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle (HHC)

Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle gives you the opportunity to sit in circle for those who have already completed the one-day introductory training.  HHC creates a vortex of energy, in an amplified container, which can cause huge shifts and transformations, helping you to move away from old patterns of resistance by clearing the memories that are holding you back.

The circle helps you to practise staying present, congruent, connected and authentic which you can then take out into the world.  It’s about raising your vibrational state so that you experience joy more often, moving from chatter to focused creating.  The energy of a group of people doing the work simultaneously amplifies the effect.

Cost £25 (Introductory price)

  • ‘How to’ The Awakenings Sequence

    This beautiful therapy was founded by Rena J Guttridge SRN who is an inspirational healer and mentor, dedicating her working life to the healing aspects of energy and complementary medicine. Rena has pioneered energy medicine techniques and created methods for both children and adults that can help offer safe, effective and long lasting results. This workshop is taught over a full day and covers all aspects of the therapeutic process, including it's use in practical and professional environments.

    Read More

  • Wellbeing Workshops

    Please get in touch if you would like to hold any kind of wellbeing event for groups, staff training days etc. and we can discuss your requirements to ensure it is tailored to your needs.

    Cost will vary depending on the content and duration.

Baby Massage

Baby massage is an ancient art that connects you deeply with your new baby, allowing you to respond to them according to their own unique needs.

Benefits of baby massage include the following:

  • Positive bonding with parent/carer

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Stimulates circulation and digestion

  • Offers relief from Colic, constipation, wind and teething

  • Enhances baby’s feelings of love, safety and security

  • Improves muscle tone and development

  • Develops confidence in parents' handling of baby

Baby Massage can be taught during a 1:1 session where you learn the massage techniques that you can introduce to baby between 6 weeks and 6 months. Only you will massage your baby, I will demonstrate on a life-sized doll for you to copy.

If you would prefer to learn baby massage over a few sessions within a small group so you can meet other new mums, please contact me to find out the dates of when the next courses are being held.

Relaxation/Sound Baths Coming Soon

Relaxation/Sound Baths Coming Soon